Knock Knock! New Product Management Initiatives 🎁
Test your PM Skills, Improve your Product Sense and other initiatives launched by us to help you become a better Product Manager...
At Crework, we spent the last month working on many new initiatives that can help you in your Product Management journey. So, this issue is dedicated to only those initiatives.
If you are an aspiring Product Manager, there’s a lot for you here.
Product Management Cohort
For those who don’t know, we have a 12 weeks Product Management Cohort that we offer once every 3-4 months. It’s a intense journey of helping aspiring PMs get their first Product Management job through a practical learning approach.
During the cohort, you get:
70+ hours of live classes and guidance.
Personalised learning with excellent mentors from the industry.
Weekly assignments to help you build your portfolio.
Graduation project with problem statements from real companies.
Interview Preparation and mock interviews with experts.
and much more…
Product Management Quiz
One problem that most of the aspiring PMs face is that they don’t know how good they are and in which field. Well, we decided to solve that problem.
Take the PM Quiz and get a detailed report of your assessment on the most important PM Skills. It’s very simple.
You can get a detailed report like this:
30 Days of Product Sense Challenge
Yesterday, we launched a new challenge for our Product Community - 30 Days of Product Sense.
In this challenge, for the next 30 days, we will share 1 question with the community related to different products and answering them would for sure help them develop a better product sense.
Here’s an example:
Do you want to take part in this too? You can do it in 2 ways. Either follow us on Twitter or join our Product Management Community on WhatsApp
This is exciting right?
I mean, we just launched so many things, I am so excited. I am pretty sure you are too. So, try out everything and let me know what you think.
Now, we will meet the next time and talk about the topic - A/B Testing for Product Manager. Keep reading!