Hello readers!
How have you been? It’s been a while. Well, we have been a bit busy with our ongoing and upcoming cohorts. But the next issue will be coming soon for sure.
But today, we are here to talk about something else. We want to share some of the success stories from our previous cohorts and tell you about the next cohort.
Success Story from Cohort 1
Ankita was one of the first people to join our Founding PM Cohort. She wanted to move from a Software Engineer to Product Management role.
I still remember the first conversation I had with her in April on whether she should go for an MS or get a Product Management job. I don't remember the conclusion though 😂 .
4 months after that conversation, Ankita is currently working as an Associate Product Manager at Pice® and is one of the most inspiring success stories from Crework.
Her hard work and resilience is something to get inspired from.
If reading about Ankita's success has got you thinking, "Hey, I want to do that too!" – you're in luck! You totally can, and we might be able to help you get there.
Our next Product Management cohort is starting on 20 September and we'd love to have you on board and to help you take the career leap.
Our 12 weeks Product Management Cohort is an intense journey of helping aspiring PMs get their first Product Management job through a practical learning approach.
During the cohort, you get:
70+ hours of live classes and guidance.
Personalised learning with excellent mentors from the industry.
Weekly assignments to help you build your portfolio.
Graduation project with problem statements from real companies.
Interview Preparation and mock interviews with experts.
and so much more…
If you have any questions for us, feel free to reach out or check the website for more details.